Written By JOE
A note from the author
Signed Copies
A limited number of signed copies of the below books are available upon request and are sold at the current amazon price for a new book, plus shipping. Contact me to see if your choice is available.

Posing for Portrait and Glamour Photography
The original title of Posing for Portrait & Glamour Photography was ‘The ABC’s of Portrait Posing,’ which explains its real focus. Beginning with the basics of body, hand and head posing, the book offers techniques you can use to enhance a subject’s appeal while minimizing concerns they might have about their appearance. In its pages I work with subjects ranging in age from 18 to their late 40s, with a variety of looks and figure types that photographers are likely to encounter in their professional lives, demonstrating the effect of careful but natural posing.
Studio Lighting Anywhere
Studio Lighting Anywhere presents a streamlined approach to producing studio quality images anywhere, including backdrops to studio lighting equipment. The book shows how to select the gear that produces the most value along with techniques on using it to make portraits in minimal shooting space. The book includes some techniques for using speedlights as well as inexpensive studio lighting gear to create great looking lighting. Topics include a comparison of classic lighting effects, post-production walk-through and tips on troubleshooting common challenges.
Joe Farace’s Glamour Photography
Joe Farace’s Glamour Photography is about using the minimum amount of lighting equipment while demonstrating methods for shoot glamour portraits under all kinds of lighting situations. Working with amateur and professional models I offer easy-to-follow instructions for using lighting modifiers and natural light and adapting them to work in any location. Beginning and aspiring pros looking to diversify their work and professional photographers seeking fresh ideas will find an lots of information too.
The Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography
The Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography shows you how to shoot infrared with a digital camera and makes it possible to create distinctively dreamlike, high-contrast black-and-white pictures. The book is out-of-print but used copies are available from Amazon at less than fiffteen bucks. Creative Digital Monochrome Effects has a chapter on IR photography and is available from Amazon with used copies are available HERE at giveaway prices.
Creative Digital Monochrome Effects
Whether you’re shooting digital black and white from your camera or converting color photographs to monochrome on the computer, you’ll discover an array of unique, innovative, and inspirational techniques suitable for shutterbugs of every level. Farace explains what kinds of software programs are best, and how to use them to manipulate your photos in diverse ways. He also discusses various in-camera effects including toning and soft focus. The detailed information and instruction cover everything from creating traditional looking black-and-white or sepia images, to adding color selectively for a one-of-a-kind, fine-art approach.
Available Light Glamour Photography
Available Light Glamour Photography presents every aspect of using available light to create glamour and boudoir portraits. Starting with reasons to rely on available light—it’s cheap and requires no lighting equipment—the book goes on to describe proper exposure for different settings, ways to use using reflectors, and includes information on the subtle use of speedlights. Natural light presents significant challenges for photographers but the tips in the book will streamline the process.