It’s Cinco De Mayo

by | May 5, 2022

Today’s Post by Joe Farace

In 1861, the Battle of Puebla pitched 6,000 French troops against a small, under-supplied Mexican force of 2,000 men. Although not expecting to win the campaign, the Mexican army overcame the French in under a day. While the battle didn’t win the war, the victory held great symbolism for Mexico during the Franco-Mexican War and buoyed the army throughout the conflict.

Cinco De Mayo’s history influenced Mexican-Mexican American communities in the early years of the American Civil War. As the Civil War erupted, these communities took up the banner of the Cinco De Mayo celebration as a way to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy. Each year, Mexico commemorates the day with celebrations across the country, though it is not a federal holiday.

On June 7, 2005, the US Congress issued a Concurrent Resolution that invited the President of the United States to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe Cinco de Mayo with appropriate ceremonies and activities. According to José Alamillo, professor of ethnic studies at Washington State University in Pullman, a 2006 study found more than 150 official events celebrating the day.

Celebrations surrounding the observance in the United States take on a significance beyond that in Mexico. They include displaying of banners and events highlighting Mexican culture, music, and regional dancing. School districts also hold special events to educate students about its historical significance.


How I Made this Photo: I photographed this young musician at a Cinco De Mayo celebration in the Stapleton area of the city of Denver. I used a Casio Exilim Pro EX-F1, a six megapixel digital camera that was available in 2008. Its 36-432mm equivalent lens was at 66.8mm with a Program mode exposure of 1/320 sec at f/9.9 and ISO 200.

PS: Just a reminder: Podcast #3 is live now on my YouTube channel, Joe Farace’s Videos, featuring a look at the Leica Z2X and my experiences shooting 22-year old Agfa color film in a 40-year old Canon SLR, plus some information on where I get my ideas for blog posts!