Saving the World one pixel at a time
Wheels Wednesday: Achieving Proper Exposure by Bracketing
Under tricky lighting conditions, sometimes the best solution is to shoot a series of images varying your exposures with each one from what would be considered underexposure to normal and then overexposure.
Happy Birthday to Me
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”― Mark Twain
Monochrome Monday: Tea for Two in Castle Rock
This post is kind of a Wayback Wednesday flashback, with echoes of my former Wordy Wednesday posts that I used to feature on my old blog. Instead, Today’s post, presented for your approval, is about one of my favorite places to make photographs and test new cameras and lenses: The charming town of Castle Rock, Colorado.
Some Random Thoughts for a Sunday
I have a confession to make: I don’t know everything about photography, digital, film, or otherwise.
Things I Promised Not to Tell: The Piano Recital
It all begins with the piano sitting in my grandparent’s living room, or parlor as they might have called it back then…
Practice, Practice and More Practice
I think that the best thing you can do to increase your skills in obtaining what, for you, is the best exposure is practice. I think the same suggestion holds true for improving your overall photography skills. Seven-time Grammy-winning pianist Emanuel Ax still practices his instrument four hours a day. And a few of his tips about practice could easily apply to photographers