Saving the World one pixel at a time


Joe’s Movie Club: Some Quick Movie Reviews

Joe’s Movie Club: Some Quick Movie Reviews

While my recent mobility challenges have made it difficult to create some new movie reviews for my YouTube channel, I have been watching a few more movies than normal. As I await finishing my three-movie reviews for the Maltese Falcon—the 1931 versions is available now. I promise to finish the (sort of) trilogy real soon now.

Discovering the Infrared Experience

Discovering the Infrared Experience

Even though I’ve been experimenting with IR capture since the 1970’s with Kodak’s color and black & white infrared film, after I converted several of my Panasonic Lumix mirrorless cameras to infrared capture I had the same kind of euphoria that everyone having their first IR experience feels.

Thursday Vibes: It’s National E-Bike Day

Thursday Vibes: It’s National E-Bike Day

A Reminder: May is National Zombie Awareness Month. Each May, Zombie Awareness Month brings excitement, reminding us to stay prepared while embracing a touch of spooky fun. Running from May 1st to May 31st, this period is marked by fans wearing gray ribbons to promote readiness for a possible zombie apocalypse​​.

Wheels Wednesday: Understanding White Balance Concepts

Wheels Wednesday: Understanding White Balance Concepts

Light is an interpretive tool in the hands of a photographer. He can make it harsh or soft, revealing or concealing, flattering or libelous. The more he knows about the versatility of light, the easier it is to cope with any picture-taking situation he encounters.”—Peter Gowland

Tuesday Thoughts: Photography In Your Own Backyard

Tuesday Thoughts: Photography In Your Own Backyard

A few years ago, I conducted a workshop at the FOTOfusion conference in Florida called “Right in Your Own Backyard.” The presentation and the images that I showed were based on the premise that you needn’t travel halfway around the world when great photo ops are seemingly closer to home.