Saving the World one pixel at a time
Protected: What to Wear? How About Cheesecloth?
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Wheels Wednesday: A Speedy Beetle with CCD
This fast and furious effect shown today isn’t anything new and the concept wasn’t originally digital. Photographers have been using zoom lenses along with slow shutter speeds and zooming during exposure since the first zoom lens was introduced.
Protected: Bonus: Is Social Media Censoring Your Photos?
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Tutorial Tuesday: Working with Image/Adjustments/Desaturate
It’s CCD week on my photography how-to blog. In several recent posts I’ve talked about taking a look at (older) digital cameras that had CCD sensors and this week, I continue the series with the Olympus E-10 that was used to make today’s featured image.
I’m Remembering Our Veterans Today
This photograph is an homage to all the brave men and women of our armed forces and especially my late father Joseph F Farace Sr. (1918-2004) who was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart for his actions in The Battle of the Bulge. The image was made in warm-toned black and white to look as if it could have been made in 1944.
Two Photographers, One Model, Part II
My Sunday series about making portraits outdoor continues today with a portrait of Dottie, who I only photographed once at a group model shoot that was held in Northern Colorado. Mary also photographed her at the same shoot and, as usual, the styles of our images were vastly different, in fact there is literally a night and day difference.