Special News about Some Special Posts

by | Apr 20, 2024

Today’s Special Post by Joe Farace

That’s what I love about the Internet. Even if it’s small-scale and you’re just posting on a forum, that’s an uncensored expression. That’s what I love.—Felicia Day

Starting next week and for five weeks—five is my favorite and/or lucky number—you will see a different kind of posts, mostly on Thursdays, that will be displayed on the main page and will be marked as “Password Protected.”


Password Protected?

The posts, I hope anyway, will become a series of glamour and boudoir photography-oriented blogs that will feature images of many of the beautiful models with whom I’ve had memorable shoots with over the past several years. The posts will feature detailed descriptions of how these images were made including (when available) photographs of the lighting setup used along with details on the cameras and specific lighting equipment used to make the photographs. The actual EXIF-based exposure for these images will be mentioned, for those readers who find this information useful. Any lighting set up photos featured will be more clear and detailed than the image at right that was created specifically for this post so that nanny software on corporate and family computers won’t block this site.

For the first time in this blog’s history, you will be able to see completely uncensored photographs of these models! In order for readers of this blog to be able see the content of these Password Protected posts, photographers who are members of the second ($2/50/month) or third tier ($5/month) of my Patreon will receive a unique password allowing them access the posts and see the uncensored images. If this program is even somewhat successful, at some time in the future, I plan to include galleries where these subscribers will be able to view 10-20 images of the models from the shoot  documented in the post. It all depends on how well the response is to these posts. No response? Weill….


This Is Just a Test

This is just a five weeks or so test. If nobody signs up to the Patreon for the top two tiers during this test period, I will stop the Password Protected posts and they may, or may not, be deleted from the Blog. And, of course, Patreon subscriptions may be canceled at any time so if you don’t like these posts, you may quit at any time and your unique password will be disabled.

This is just a test; give it a try for a month—or not—it’s all your call. Either way, I want to thank you for all of your support over the years.