Our Halloween LensPen Giveaway Ends Soon

by | Oct 29, 2022

Today’s Post by Joe Farace

A reminder: Until October 31, 2022 at Midnight Mountain Standard time we still are accepting entries for a LensPen giveaway because we think everybody can use some Tricks or Treats, especially treats, during these times.

Here’s the prize—

It’s a DSLR-Pro Kit ($34.95) that includes everything digital and film shooters too need to keep their lenses, viewfinders and filters clean. Here’s what you’ll find in the kit:

  1. An original LensPen. I use one of these to remove grease and fingerprints from lenses on my DSLR, Micro Four-thirds cameras and film cameras too.
  2. The FilterKlear pen has a flat, round cleaning tip that’s designed to clean (surprise) lens filters. This is something I think is really important for film shooters, since based on my recent experience, they seem to use on-camera filters more than digital shooters.
  3. The MicroPro has a smaller cleaning tip that’s useful for cleaning eyepieces and tiny lenses like you find on smartphones.
  4. The kit also includes a handy microfiber carrying pouch which doubles as a cloth for other cleaning applications, such as wiping down a camera body

Both the Original LensPen and it’s various cousins clean your optical surfaces in two easy steps: You start by using the retractable natural brush to remove any loose dust that’s sitting on the glass. If any finger marks remain, you simply twist the cap off the other end and use the LenPen’s famous carbon-impregnated cleaning tip to clean the lens. The carbon compound that’s used is similar to one that’s found in printer’s ink.

The LensPen’s twist-action cap is important because it re-charges the carbon compound on the cleaning tip and it ensures that the cap won’t pop off in your pocket or camera bag, like my lens caps and eye cups tend to do. LensPen products are environmentally friendly and safe to use. There’s no expiration date and they perform well in arctic cold and desert heat.Here’s all you have to do to win the LensPen DSLR-Pro kit: Click the Contact button above and complete the form with the message “I want to win the LensPen Bundle.” You can cut and paste those words into the form if you like.

Be sure to include your name, city and state (for reasons stated in the fine print.) The Deadline for entry is Midnight Mountain Standard time October 31, 2021. The way the drawing will be held is that I will print, then cut the emails into small slips, fold them and place them in a hat. Mary will draw the winner. Afterwards they will be shredded. None of the names or other information will be recorded, filed or used in any way other than for this contest. Your privacy is as important to me as mine is to me.

Fine Print: Previous winners of any contest on this or my car photography site are not eligible. Entries are limited to readers living in the conterminous (lower 48) United States. (LensPen may have donated the prize but I have to pay for shipping.)

And the winner is:Lonnie Long