Today’s Post by Joe Farace
Recently a reader asked where to find glamour models. But since you asked, Thurman, here are a few positive and negatives of one method that I’ve use to find models. Update: This post was written almost four years ago and much of this information, especially my experiences in Colorado, has changed. That doesn’t mean it wont work where you live, so you should give it a try.
Modeling Agencies
If you;re looking to find glamour models, one idea that has worked for me in the last is to contact every modeling agency in your area and let them know you would like to offer free or low cost test shoots for new and aspiring models. The reality is that most agencies will ignore you or blow you off but don’t be discouraged and keep trying. I managed to make a connection with one agency who appreciated what I could offer their clients and worked with them for eight years photographing dozens of new and aspiring models until my contact left the company and their replacement could care less. But keep at it.
Not many modeling agencies are interested in glamour images but more than a few of their models are. When you find a potential model you might want to use a pre-interview form that I developed to discover what genres she’s interested in but as in all dealing with models you have to be flexible. I found that some models had different concepts of what the various modeling genres were out here in the real world.
That form is included in my book Joe Farace’s Glamour Photography but I’ll find a way to post a PDF of it here and will update this post when I do. Used copies of the book is around ten bucks—new copies are $34.95—and includes lots of model release forms too, plus useful information about working with models.
How I Made this Photograph: I photographed Kim, who was one of the first models from the agency that I previously mentioned and who I worked with for several years before she moved out-of-state. This is from our first shoot together and she was photographed on film with a Contax 167MT and Carl Zeiss 85mm f/2.8 Sonnar lens in C/Y mount on Kodak color negative film. The negatives were digitized using Kodak’s no-longer-available Photo CD process. You can find many posts about Photo CD on this blog; just use the Search function above.
Immediately after a test shoot, I give the model their choice of a CD or flash drive of all the JPEG images made during the test shoot. I typically shoot RAW+JPEG; they get the JPEGs, I use the RAW files for retouching and for my blogs/books/whatever but will also give retouched JPEGs to models upon request. But models never pick the same images as a photographer does. We want a great looking image; they want an image that hides or eliminates what they (and only they) see as their greatest flaw. It doesn’t matter if the photo is bad, all they care about is that “flaw.”
These days most models choose the flash drive option and I buy 16GB USB 2.0 Flash Drives for around than three bucks. That’s more expensive than a CD/DVD but is typically more convenient for the model. Some photographers only provide a few, edited images from model test shoots but I like to give them everything because it’s a more of a fair trade and makes them more likely to want to shoot with you again.
The most important thing to remember when looking for glamour models is to be yourself and always be honest, respectful, ethical, and courteous in all of your dealings with them
If you enjoyed today’s blog post and would like to buy Joe a cup of Earl Grey tea ($2.50), click here. And if you do, thanks so much.
My book Joe Farace’s Glamour Photography is full of tips, tools and techniques for glamour and boudoir photography with new copies available from Amazon for $34.95. Used copies start around ten bucks, as I write this. The Kindle version is $19.99 for those who prefer a digital format.