Film Friday: The Ins & Outs of Photo CD

Film Friday: The Ins & Outs of Photo CD

Over the past several years I’ve occasionally written about Kodak’s (defunct) Photo CD process and its contemporary usage. The process was announced in 1990 but Kodak not only abandoned the format by 2004, they never released its technical specifications....
It’s National Balloon Ascension Day

It’s National Balloon Ascension Day

For 2025 I’ve retired my #thursdaythoughts theme. While I search for a new theme for Thursdays during 2025, it’s going to be (and may end up as) Anything Can Happen Day, which may have just been what Thursdays were on the Mickey Mouse Club where I stole...
Wheels Wednesday: My Classic Car

Wheels Wednesday: My Classic Car

My Classic Car was a television show about classic automobiles that was hosted by Dennis Gage who was known for his trademark handlebar mustache and the catchphrase he ended every episode with, “Honor the timeless classics.” Today I’ll be honoring...
Travel Tuesday is Back Today!

Travel Tuesday is Back Today!

Today I’m bringing back #traveltuesday and I hope that you’ll enjoy my ruminations about the traveling I’ve done and the images I’ve made, the food I ate and the drinks I’ve guzzled. Today I’m taking you one of the two places...
Monochrome Monday: Railroad Museum in the Snow

Monochrome Monday: Railroad Museum in the Snow

Twelfth Night, also known as Epiphany Eve, is a Christian festival on the last night of the Twelve Days of Christmas, marking the coming of the Epiphany. Different traditions mark the date of Twelfth Night as either January 5 or 6, depending on whether you start...