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Protected: A Few Special Moments with a Special Model
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Thursday Vibes: Your Gear Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive
My advice: Don’t let other other people, especially other photographers, determine how you spend your money. Having too much money tied up in cameras, lenses and lights or worse, debt for all that gear will sink a new portrait photographer faster than anything else.
Wheels Wednesday: To Crop or Not Crop
For too long I considered considered the 3:2 rectangle as sacred and I will admit that it’s still my default shooting crop with my mirrorless cameras, not the 4:3 that is standard. I’m gradually getting over that kind of thinking too. But sometimes this idea can be carried to extremes, I think, as evidenced by the SOOC movement, not as Seinfeld once said, not that there’s anything wrong with it.”
Tuesday Thoughts: Some Thoughts About Landscape Photography
I have never been or even considered myself to be a landscape photographer but I try. I admire the photographs of contemporary giants such as Clyde Butcher but don’t try to emulate their work, while at the same time appreciating their greatness behind the camera.
Monochrome Monday: Process or Not Process Infrared Image Files
My feeling was then and still is now that IR photography isn’t that difficult and is as hard as you want to make it. That’s why, I was surprised to find that there was a SOOC (Straight Out Of the Camera) movement within the world of infrared photography.
Weekend Vibes: Bias or Opinion: What’s the Difference?
“I have yet to see a piece of writing, political or non-political, that does not have a slant. All writing slants the way a writer leans, and no man is born perpendicular.” ― E.B. White