Saving the World one pixel at a time


I’m Talking About the Business of Photography

I’m Talking About the Business of Photography

The topics on these weekend posts tend to be slightly different than my Monday through Friday posts, with Saturday posts amounting to what I might call “anything can happen day” as they used to say on the Mickey Mouse Club. This includes posts like Joe’s Book Club, Joe’s Movie Club and anything that happens to strike my fancy for that day. On the other hand, my Sunday posts are posts tend to be business focused.

Reminder: Some Special Posts for Patreon Subscribers

Reminder: Some Special Posts for Patreon Subscribers

I started this new series of uncensored ports about working with special models, mostly on Thursdays, that will be displayed on the main page and will be marked as “Password Protected” or maybe just “Protected” because WordPress keeps changing how it handles these kinds of posts.

Infrared: The World of Invisible Light

Infrared: The World of Invisible Light

My personal philosophy is that photography should be fun. Part of having fun is trying new things. I find that digital infrared photography is lots of fun because it helps a person look at their world in a new way and lets them create images that are unlike any other technique that they’re likely to try.