Saving the World one pixel at a time
Thursday Vibes: Why I Like Auto Review and Chimping
You can find all kinds of interesting stuff on the Internet. For instance, I recently found an interview with a photographer whose work I;ve admire for years but when it comes to the topic of Auto Review and Chimping, He doesn’t like it. He even wrote a blog post showing people how to turn this setting off on their cameras. And up to a point, I get it. For photographers who have a background in film photography, Auto Review might be distracting. I, on the other, hand love this feature.
Protected: Working with a Muse is Always a Delight
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Happy Birthday, Mary Farace
Happy Birthday, Mary Farace. Today I’m celebrating your birthday with a collection of images from during 43 plus years together, plus one of you with your Mom and Dad that was made well before we every met.
Tuesday Thoughts: I Shoot RAW Plus JPEG—Now
Today’s Post by Joe Farace At its root, perfectionism isn’t really about a deep love of being meticulous. It’s about fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of disappointing others. Fear of failure. Fear of success.” — Michael Law The idea that birth order can impact...
Monochrome Monday: Landscape Photography in Infrared
As most of you know by now, I’m not a landscape photographer but when I do shoot landscape I have my own way to approach this genre.
The Great Outdoors Can Be Your Studio
Living in Colorado, it gets cold during the winter and occasionally snows and sometimes there’s lots of snow. If I lived in my wife’s home state of Florida I’d have a different way of choosing locations for shooting ;portraits than I do working here. For much of the year I shoot most of my portraits and glamour images in either my home studio or an outdoor location that’s close by. So maybe I’m lazy too.