Saving the World one pixel at a time
Determining the Best Exposure for Outdoor Portraits?
All modern DSLRs and mirrorless cameras have some kind of built-in light meters and some of them even have a spot metering function but nevertheless I still use a hand-held meter, especially when shooting outdoor portraits.
Joe’s Movie Club: Looking at Classic Films
It all started innocently enough… Mary was working late a few nights in a row so I decided to put on my Criterion Collection copy of Sullivan’s Travels (1941.)
Film Friday: The Ins & Outs of Photo CD
If you’ve shot film in the past chances are that you used Kodak’s Photo CD process to scan your slides or negatives.
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It’s National Balloon Ascension Day
On January 9, National Balloon Ascension Day commemorates the first balloon flight in the United States that occurred in 1793. The French aeronaut, Jean Pierre Blanchard, took flight over the Walnut Street Prison in Philadelphia above a large crowd that included George Washington, who witnessed the launch of the balloon, too.
Wheels Wednesday: My Classic Car
There are always a one or two cars that we’ve owned during our automotive life that we really miss and, for reasons we can’t remember, sold. Today begins a series of posts about cars I’ve loved and cars that I’ve owned.