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Protected: Bonus: The Black Tape Experience
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Tutorial Tuesday: How to Correct Underexposed Portraits
In 2018 I wrote a post entitled Tutorial: Correcting Underexposed Portraits and recently some people I met at Starbucks over a cup of tea asked if those techniques were still worth using. I think so but it’s always worth a second, fresh look.
Protected: Behind the Scenes: Casting Younger Models
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Monochrome Monday: Olympus Stylus Tough 8010 in Black & White
There was a time when rugged cameras were all the rage. Nowadays posh compacts rule the roost for the same reason your local Ford Dealers want to sell you a $98.000 F150—more profit for them.
Locations for Outdoor Portraits Are Where You Find Them
My Sunday series about making portraits outdoor continues today with a portrait of Tasha, who I photographed both in my former home and later at a group model shoot in Phoenix. Arizona.
Joe’s Book Club: Chapter 61, Books Read, Books TBR
Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.” ― Voltaire