Saving the World one pixel at a time
Zen and the Art of Film Photography
I want to thank Max Heinrich of Analog Insights YouTube (and Instagram) for his inspiration to write this post, although he may not even know that. If you’re interested in film photography, please click this link and be sure to subscribe to Analog Insights.
Going Monochrome On Black Friday
One of the things that I like to do to get myself out of a photographic rut is to make portraits in monochrome mode. It doesn’t have to be all of the images that you make during a session; maybe just a few to, you know, see what happens.
Thanksgiving Wishes for Today
Even though 2022 may not have been the kind of year that many of us had hoped for, I still have many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, including…
Wheels Wednesday: Shooting RAW+JPEG
Real cars were made here in America: Fords, Chevys, Plymouths. These were large chunks of Detroit iron – cars that had the size, weight, and handling characteristics of aircraft carriers but worse fuel efficiency.—Dave Barry
Protected: The Glamour Photography Warm-Up
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Tuesday Thoughts: Shooting Infrared in the Winter?
Why shoot infrared images in the Winter? After all, in traditional infrared—spring and summer IR— photography, the Wood Effect produces bright to white reproduction of the chlorophyll layer that’s found in deciduous plants.