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Here’s the Latest Update on Password Protected Posts
Today’s post is just a reminder about access to this blog’s Password Protected Posts, In case you missed my original post, Some Special Posts for Patreon Subscribers, today’ s entry has information about the new benefits for my Patreon subscribers.
Joe’s Book Club, Chapter 63. Book Questions, Answers & Opinions
“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” ― Richard Feynman
Film Friday: It’s St. Nicholas Day
Saint Nicholas Day recognizes the third-century saint who became an inspiration for the modern-day Santa Claus. St. Nicholas Day is celebrated worldwide on the anniversary of his death, December 6th.
Protected: A Dream Assignment: The Fire Truck Sessions
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Thursday Vibes: Dealing with Memory Card Problems
While memory card’s data storage capabilities can theoretically last five years or even longer, there is empirical evidence that cars may only be reliable from a few weeks to around two years of usage. I’ll bet that most of us don’t keep track of our memory card’s age and expect them to last forever. They don’t.
Wheels Wednesday: How I Photograph Cars
After I made this image, I showed it to my friend Steve who had borrowed my camera to make a few shots of it for his club’s newsletter. While looking at it, he said, “I just don’t see like that.” So I thought it might be fun to give you some idea of how I came to make this particular image.