Travel Tuesday: Infrared in Black & White

Travel Tuesday: Infrared in Black & White

Recently a reader wrote: I had my Canon 30D converted to infrared and have been experimenting with it. It’s loads of fun but every photo comes out with a magenta-ish tone. At first, it was blue-ish, which I prefer but no matter what I do, including making a...
Photographing a Makeup Artist

Photographing a Makeup Artist

My Sunday series on outdoor portraiture continues today with a portrait of Corinne, who was not a model and yet she is someone I photographed during a group model shoot in Phoenix. Arizona. I’ll explain how that all worked out… Today’s Post by Joe Farace...
Things I Promised Not to Tell: Origin Story

Things I Promised Not to Tell: Origin Story

The featured image today was not part of a wedding photography assignment but was made in my home studio with a new model who I photographed for the first time. I often ask married models to bring their wedding gowns to a session, if they still have them, and Courtney...