A Few Steps for Improving Your Photography Business

by | Sep 24, 2023

Today’s Post by Joe Farace

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failur—Colin Powell

I haven’t written any business-oriented posts in some time mainly because these tend to be the least popular. But I know that many readers of this blog and my magazine articles are aspiring professionals. So I’d like to present a few business-related tips that you might try for the rest of this year and in 2024.

  1. Send regular marketing mailings to existing and potential clients. Don’t have a list? Make building a mailing list something you start working on right now.
  2. Since clients like to deal with people they know, communications will be the key to success/ While e-mail mail can annoy some clients or potential clients, take a look at Constant Contact and try it—sparingly. Look at how these kind of communications technologies can help your operation but don’t ignore any of the old established ones, like direct mail.
  3. Don’t just do it for the money. Take some of the financial rewards of your success and help others. You can also donate a product or service to a charitable auction or pitch in and help feed homeless people at a shelter. Pay it forward.
  4. You’ve got to get organized. One of Farace’s Immutable Laws of the Universe is that you never have enough desk, office, wall, or (fill in your favorite) space to get the work done and achieve your goals. Parkinson once stated that work expands to fill the time allocated to it, the same might be said about workspace, so keep it organized.
  5. Join a networking group, it could be your local Internet Chamber of Commerce or just one of the many lead groups out there. Being an independent photographer can be lonely sometimes and interaction with other human beings is good for the soul and could generate also some new business.

But most of all, take a look back at what you did in the past year and even the year before that and see what happened that was of a positive nature. Too often we take our accomplishments for granted—as if they were always there and forget how hard we worked to achieve them. Then look forward toward with hopes that the future will be even better.